Permaculture Playing Cards on Kickstarter
There are still a few days to get in on backing these Permaculture Playing Cards on Kickstarter. I don’t even play cards, and I’m in for a couple. They’re beautiful and informative, what more could you want?!
100 Artists of the Midwest
I finally got my hands on a copy of 100 Artists of the Midwest: Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Ohio, and Wisconsin… and I’m happy to report that it really is a beautiful book! I discovered some fine artists I didn’t previously know and the image quality is very nice. A couple of the captions in […]
Crescendo in Sioux Falls
I’m finally getting around to posting an image of Crescendo, which I installed earlier this year in Sioux Falls as part of their SculptureWalk exhbition. I’ve been part of the show for years now – it’s a wonderful urban celebration of sculpture. If you’re in the area, stop by and wander around.
New Flower Blooming
I made a lot of progress in the studio today on a new Flower sculpture. This piece has been on my mind for some time, it just took a while to tweak the proportions and figure out the proper scale. It’s turning out wonderfully, though. I envision an entire series of these pieces – a […]
Nick Wroblewski Woodcuts
I just got a head’s up from my printmaker friend Nick Wroblewski that he was recently featured in a beautiful photo essay by Ray + Kelly. This really is a stunning series of images. The intimate and graceful quality of these pictures perfectly compliments the beautiful immediacy of Nick’s work, his new studio and growing […]
The Trees Are All In!
This strange weather did its best to hold me back, but I finally got all the trees in the ground. I still need to mulch around 250 of them, but the important part is done. Already I have a lot of buds breaking… very exciting! A friend of mine just asked how I could possibly […]
Helios Rising At New Home
During my recent trip to North Carolina, I installed Helios Rising at its new permanent home with a wonderful collector of mine. The sculpture is nestled beautifully in a forested landscape just in front of the house… really, the image doesn’t do it justice. The rain (mostly) held off, giving us time to fine-tune the […]
Sculptor Matthew Gray Palmer
I’m still under the weather here, but in the meantime check out the great work by Matthew Gray Palmer. I met Matthew years ago when we were doing a show together and was immediately impressed by the quality and spontaneity in his work. Those two things don’t usually work well together for most people. In […]
Sculptor Kris Kuksi
If you’ve never seen the work of Kris Kuksi, you really need to pay his site a visit. Though he does some 2D as well, I think of him primarily as a sculptor. His detail-rich sculptures are worlds unto themselves. Like Nature itself, you can just fall into them and explore. Though thematically there […]
Artifacts Sculpture Gallery is Here
As promised, I just added an Artifacts Gallery to my site complete with some brand-spanking-new images. Check it out here. There are two more new pieces as well, Artifact VIII and Artifact IX. I think these pictures do a much better job of conveying the fine detail of these sculptures. Special thanks to my little […]
Artifact XI Sculpture Studio Shot
Just a quick shot of a new Artifact sculpture in progress. I really like how the improvisational quality of these leads to unexpectedly pleasing forms. This one in particular I think is quite fine and dynamic.
PermaSculpture Planting Preparations
Spring is (very nearly) in the air – it’s time to start getting ready. I’ve had my trees ordered for months now but still have work to do on making “tree mats,” accumulating wood chips and fixing/building more water tanks. Initially, I had planned to scale planting back a bit after last year. Obviously that […]
Aaron Spangler Sculpture
I recently discovered these stunning sculptures by fellow Minnesota sculptor Aaron Spangler. His work no doubt needs to be fully appreciated in person, but the images are enough to cause me to flutter with excitement. Though carved in basswood, they really look like they were hewn from the soil itself. These are fully realized works […]
The Cult of the New in Art
The vast majority of all new work created is terrible. Utterly forgettable. When you think of the sheer volume of things made or ideas had at any given moment, it could not be otherwise. Like an evolutionary brainstorming session, we throw everything we have up against the wall just to see what sticks. And most […]
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