Spiczka’s artistry survives accident
This is an excellent article by Dave DeLand. It covers not only my life-altering accident but my work in general with thoughtfulness and sensitivity. Thanks, Dave!
This is an excellent article by Dave DeLand. It covers not only my life-altering accident but my work in general with thoughtfulness and sensitivity. Thanks, Dave!
It was a Pleasure to have Dana Conroy and her wonderful team visit the studio for this segment of Postcards on Pioneer Public Television.
I finally got my hands on a copy of 100 Artists of the Midwest: Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Ohio, and Wisconsin… and I’m happy to report that it really is a beautiful book! I discovered some fine artists I didn’t previously know and the image quality is very nice. A couple of the captions in […]
A couple weeks ago was the opening of the annual Essential Art Competition by one of our local organizations, Visual Arts Minnesota. I’ve been doing the show for years and it’s a good reason to get out of the studio in the middle of winter and visit the beautiful Paramount Theatre in downtown St. Cloud. […]
Sculptors at Work: Interviews About the Creative Process by Victor M. Cassidy is now out! “In this book of original interviews, sculptors describe their creative process–what they do and how they do it. Some of the 22 sculptors are internationally known while others have regional reputations; interviewees include Bruce Beasley, Lynda Benglis, John Henry and […]
If you haven’t already discovered it, check out Artist A Day. They profile some really fine work and the site is beautifully designed. A nice community has sprung up to discover and discuss a wide variety of great art. I’m honored to be today’s artist, #732. Check it out. If you’re so inclined, you can […]
Check out November’s Art in America for a review of my solo exhibition Midwest Gothic at St. John’s University this past spring.
To coincide with the exhibition at SCSU, you can read a profile of me in our local paper here, the St. Cloud Times. I always find it difficult to read articles about myself (truth be told, I still haven’t read this one all the way through), but the images are quite good and (most of) […]
Koehnline Museum of Art, July 12 – August 30, 2007 by Victor Cassidy When Sam Spiczka was growing up on his parents’ farm in Minnesota, he liked to walk the fields, especially in winter. One day, as he tells it, he found the skeleton of a boar “weathered and whitened by the sun,” dug it […]
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