Two New Artifact Sculptures
As promised, two more Artifact sculptures…
You can see the natural tendency for these sculptures to “grow” – Artifact VII is more than twice as big as some earlier ones. In general, I hope to constrain that expansion, but sometimes you just have to work in the scale that feels best, as revealed by the actual making of the piece.
For more information on this series, check here. These will probably be the last for a while. I have some other projects to work on and a large piece I want to begin. But I will eventually get back to them because I think they are such a beautiful and exciting series.
Just a reminder, if you have your eye on one of these for a Christmas gift, get in touch with me before Thursday the 13th. Happy Holidays!
- Artifact VII, h22.5″ x w8.25″ x d4.5″
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